As per reports, a right wing group, International Hindu Sena has approached the Gujarat High Court on November 28, 2018 seeking a ban on the release of the Sara Ali Khan and Sushant Singh Rajput starrer Kedarnath. According to the Petitioner, the film promotes ‘love jihad’ by depicting the relationship between the hero who essays the role of a Muslim porter, who falls in love with a Hindu pilgrim. The Petitioner also objected to a kissing scene at Kedarnath which is a religious place of worship of Hindus alleging that it hurts religious sentiments. The Gujarat High Court is likely to hear the matter in the forthcoming week.

Earlier, the teerth purohits (priests) of the shrine town of Kedarnath in Uttarakhand’s Chardham had demanded that a blanket ban be placed on the release of the Movie on the ground that it hurts the religious sentiments of the Hindu Community, by purportedly promoting ‘love jihad’ and portraying scenes in and around the temple which are obscene or anti-religious in nature. The Movie scheduled to release on December 7, 2018 is produced by Ronnie Screwvala’s RSVP and Abhishek Kapoor’s Guy In the Sky Pictures and is directed by Abhishek Kapoor. Ajendra Ajay, a member of the Dehradun BJP media relations team, also wrote to the CBFC urging a ban on the Movie alleging that the Movie hurts Hindu sentiments. He had also raised similar objections pertaining to promoting love jihad, the kissing scene between the lead couple in the Movie’s teaser and the tagline “Love is a Pilgrimage”. According to him, this amounted to “an attack on the Hindu religion as Kedarnath represents the faith of crores of Hindus.” He further warned that there would be protests if the Movie was released. The Congress party also raised objections along the aforesaid lines.

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