As per reports, Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Sonakshi Sinha, Ranveer Singh, Akshay Kumar, and Prabhu Deva have been sued by an Indian-American company Vibrant Media Group for allegedly breaching their contract under which they were required to perform at a US concert. Reportedly, the actors refused to perform at a US concert despite having taken money. The lawsuit, filed by Chicago-based Vibrant Media Group before a Northern District Court of Illinois, Eastern Division on June 10, has been assigned to District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman. Vibrant Media Group has sought damages of at least $1 million.
Others who have been sued include the names of singers like Udit Narayan, Alka Yagnik and Usha Mangeshkar. Vibrant Media has been reported to file the lawsuit against the Indian artists and their agents Matrix India Entertainment Consultants Private Limited and Yashraj Films Private Limited.
According to the lawsuit, in 2013 the Vibrant Media Group had hired the artists to appear live and perform at the concert ‘Celebrating 100 years of Indian Cinema’, which was to be held on September 1, 2013. The show had to be cancelled as Salman was unable to leave India because of his legal troubles in Rajasthan over the Blackbuck poaching case. The Vibrant Media Group had agreed to postpone the event.
The Complaint also suggests that Salman and other artists, instead of keeping their promise to it or even offering to return their deposits, have agreed to perform with another promoter. The group revealed in its statement said, “All calls to Mr Khan, his agents, and other artists, for the return of the funds have gone unanswered.”
According to the complaint, Vibrant Media paid more than USD 200,000 to Salman Khan in advance of the concert to be held at the Sears Centre in Chicago on September 1.
Katrina Kaif was paid USD 40,000 and Sonakshi Sinha USD 36,000. None of these funds have been returned, it alleged.
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