As per reports, actor Salman Khan has filed an arbitration petition [CARAPL/32/2018] before the Bombay High Court in connection with a financial dispute between the actor and producer Vijay Galani seeking the court to appoint an arbitrator to look into the disputes that have arisen between him and Galani in relation to his dues of INR 15 crores for the film ‘Veer’.
Salman, a member of Cine and TV Artist Association and Galani as a producer is a member of Association of Motion Pictures and TV Programmee Producers Association.
There is an agreement between the two associations that in case of any disputes between the members of the said associations, the same shall be referred to the sole arbitrator of the joint committee of the said two associations.
Salman had been following up his case of INR15 crores since 2010 and all the film related associations had asked Galani to pay up and had even gone to the extent of issuing circular to its members asking them to not work with Galani. Galani on his part had reportedly alleged that his reputation was hurt due to all this and had threatened to file for damages worth INR 250 crore. He had also gone to lower court against the circular of the associations but it was dismissed by the court last year.
The actor approached the high court after the associations refused to arbitrate between the two last month.
In his petition, Salman has stated that at that time he was charging INR 30 crore to play the lead in a film. To support his claim of INR 30 crore, Salman’s lawyer in his petition attached an agreement copy of a film contract that Salman had signed with Head Start Film (UK) Ltd in 2008 where in it is clearly stated that he would be paid INR 30 crore to play lead role in their film.
However, for the film Veer, Salman had agreed to work for INR 25 crore and during the production of the film, he was given 10 crores by Galani. Salman’s petition states that Galani had agreed to pay the rest through Next Gen Films Pvt. Ltd (Eros International) to whom Galani had allegedly assigned some rights in respect of the film. However, in spite of the film having a world-wide release, Salman was not handed over the remaining 15 crores that was promised to him.
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