As per reports, the police today registered a case against the director of Malayalam film ‘Oru Adaar Love’ after some Muslims complained that the lyrics of a song had hurt their religious sentiments.
A clip from the song, featuring actor Priya Prakash Varrier, went viral on social media sites primarily because of her wink.
The complainants alleged that the song Manikya Malaraya Poovi in the film written and directed by Omar Lulu had an “objectionable” reference to the Prophet’s wife. The film is scheduled for release later this year.
The complaint was filed at the Falaknuma police station by businessman Zaheer Ali Khan, engineering student Muqeeth Khan and others.
Zaheer Khan demanded that either the song be removed from the film or its words be changed.
The complainants, however, said they had nothing against the actors.
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